Black meat song black beatles
Black meat song black beatles

Invited into the studio to contribute guest vocals for this one were Rev. We'd rather stand back, watch and listen, and look for opportunities to laugh at them, to ridicule them. In fact, when you look at the people who are anti-Obama, we do not wish to be numbered among them. In short, we lean ever so slightly toward the pro-Obama side, and while we do not like some of what he is doing, we are by no means anti-Obama. But we will also skewer him on this site should we feel so inclined and inspired. We hope he will and we will support him in any sincere efforts he makes in that direction (we want single-payer health care, strict environmental regulations with harsh penalties for violators, and we want the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan to end immediately, if not sooner). Time will tell if President Obama is really going to be an agent of any substantive change. And what the fuck is up with this "bi-partisan, building consensus, reach across the aisle" shit? Why does this president want to even TRY to build consensus with a gang of self-serving thugs (the GOP) who made it abundantly clear on Novemthat they were going to do all they could to obstruct Obama and destroy his presidency.

black meat song black beatles

We support some of what he's trying to do, but we also have a lot of trepidations, beginning with his appointment of Rahm "Republican Lite" Emmanuel as his Chief of Staff. As we have said elsewhere on this site, we like the man.

black meat song black beatles

Let's get this straight right out of the gate: The Meat Beetles are not, by the stretch of anyone's imagination, wide-eyed, hope-filled Obama supporters.

Black meat song black beatles